New year, new blog, new things!  

Hello and welcome!

Hope your new year has met you well and creative!  I am very excited to begin this blog as it marks a new era for me.  The photo you see next all these words is my space in the upcoming RAW Artists show Activate, occurring here in Seattle on Feb. 9!  (  We got to do a walk-through last week and I am, as the kids once said, totally stoked.  It's a sexy venue and it's going to be a lot of fun.  I'm getting a bigger space than I had thought I would, which means tons of new art!  I've been painting like crazy and really enjoying it.  I'll be sure to put up tons of photos so for all my arty friends around the country, it'll be just like you're there.

So, new art blog out on the interwebs.  Very exciting.  This blog will probably be a little on the random side, but my main focus will be on art.  With a few book reviews, recipes and funny cat videos thrown in for good measure.

Quick, little intro blog over now.  Back to the painting.  Thanks for joining me, more fun things will be up soon!